Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) in Tallahassee

The physiological effects of chronic stress and trauma can manifest in many ways, including…

  • Difficulty concentrating and staying focused at work or school.

  • Feeling easily startled, on edge, and hypervigilant.

  • A decrease or loss of sex drive.

  • Difficulty sleeping, with insomnia or nightmares.

  • Feeling disconnected from your body and often not grounded, centered, or present.

It doesn’t matter how you got here, I’m just glad that you’ve arrived. Read on to see if Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) might be useful to you.

How TRE Can Help

TRE is a powerful and effective complementary modality for addressing stress, tension, and trauma in the body. It is a series of simple stretches and muscle contractions that activate tremoring, a natural reflex mechanism in the body, which helps release tension and stress.

A consistent TRE practice can help reduce pain, improve flexibility, and promote physical and emotional well-being. TRE is easy to perform and can be done by anyone, regardless of fitness or physical ability.

TRE is a powerful complement to other therapeutic interventions such as talk therapy or medication.

TRE addresses the physical manifestations of trauma that can’t be fully addressed through talk therapy alone. The beauty of TRE is that you’re not required to retell the story of the traumatic event. You’re encouraged to focus solely on the physical sensations you are experiencing.

Combining TRE with Talk Therapy


I have been a Certified TRE Provider for over ten years. Even though it’s simple to learn, it’s important to work with a certified provider who has received specialized training in the use of TRE. I can safely and effectively guide you through the process of adapting the movements to meet your body’s unique needs.

Benefits of Incorporating TRE into Your Healing Journey

  • TRE-reduces-trauma-symptoms

    Trauma Symptoms

    TRE reduces trauma symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

  • TRE-reduces-stress-tension

    Stress and Tension

    TRE reduces stress and tension in the body and improve overall well-being.

  • TRE-improves-emotional-regulation

    Emotional Regulation

    TRE improves emotional regulation and improves the body’s window of tolerance.

  • TRE-improves-sleep

    Sleep Disturbances

    TRE improves sleep by reducing the tension and stress that may be causing insomnia.

  • TRE-Improves-mind-body

    Mind-Body Connection

    TRE improves mind-body connection by increasing feelings of being present.

  • TRE-reduces-physical-pain

    Physical Pain

    TRE reduces physical pain, such as headaches, body aches, and stomach issues.

Ready to get started?

Your emotional healing journey starts in just three steps!


Schedule a consultation.


Decide to work together.


Start your journey!